Break Free, Live Fully

Evidence Based Treatment for adults struggling with OCD and Anxiety

Hi, I’m Haylee!

I’m passionate about supporting individuals as they look their fears in the face and break free from a life constrained by OCD, anxiety, and perfectionism.

My approach to therapy comes from a place of understanding. I have first hand experience with anxiety and know what it’s like to question everything, experience constant worry, and avoid potentially meaningful experiences out of fear of the “what if’s”. I understand there are moments when you want to quiet your mind, escape from everything, or simply find a way to relax your body.

A central component of my therapy philosophy is the belief that the relationship between the client and therapist is key. A primary focus of treatment for anxiety and related disorders is confronting your fears, so I believe it’s crucial that a strong foundation of trust and safety be formed before jumping in. While I have the training, skills, and experience to help you reach your goals, you are the expert on you and I will not pretend to know you or what you need better than you do. I will engage you with curiosity, respect, and sometimes humor as we explore and identify the areas that are most challenging for you.

Learn More About Me


  • Anxiety

    Find the root of your anxiety and learn how to live your life with hope instead of fear.

  • OCD

    Learn to face your fears so you can reconnect to what is most important to you.

  • Life Stages

    Get the support you need to navigate the seasons of life and embrace the changes that come.

How do we move forward from here?

Step 1: Reach out

Fill out the contact form. Tell me about what’s going on in your life and what you’re looking for.

Step 2: Get started

I will reach out to you and help you determine if we’re a good fit. During that first contact we can discuss scheduling your first session.

Step 3: The good part

We will work together to set achievable goals, make a plan for how to get there, and get started.